Privacy Policy

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1.0 Executive Summary

This policy documents ATMS EMCS Ltd. GDPR Policy.

2.0 Purpose

In order for ATMS EMCS Ltd. to operate and achieve its business objectives it needs to collect, processand store personal information relating to its employees (prospective, present and past), tenants,authorised users, members of the public, suppliers, contractors and other key stakeholders.ATMS EMCS Ltd. is committed to complying with data protection legislation, as well as other relevantprivacy legislation.

The purpose of this policy is to:

Inform ATMS EMCS Ltd. personnel of their responsibilities when processing personalinformation.

3.0 Scope

This policy applies to everyone that works for or on behalf of ATMS EMCS Ltd, in every joint venturecompany under ATMS EMCS Ltd. control, and to those working in a ATMS EMCS Ltd. under anyalliance. This includes, but is not limited to, employees (full and part time), contractors, secondees,agency staff, suppliers, consultants and agents.

4.0 Policy Statement

We aim to enhance the reputation of ATMS EMCS Ltd. by handling all company personnel personalinformation fairly and securely and in compliance with the law. ATMS EMCS Ltd. is required to complywith various pieces of data protection legislation, this includes but is not limited to:

5.0 Commitment

ATMS EMCS Ltd. recognises and respects every individual’s rights to the protection of personal data.We are committed to meeting our legal and regulatory obligations and will adhere to the EU GeneralData Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the specific provisions of the UK Data Protection Bill.

6.0 Implementation

Our Directors are responsible for the effective implementation and maintenance of data protectionmanagement through all areas of the business. All staff will comply with the data protection directives and follow the guidance provided and will not unlawfully process or share the personal data ofindividuals.

7.0 Principles

Data protection legislation contains certain principles regarding the handling of personal information.ATMS EMCS Ltd. must comply with the following principles relating to processing of personalinformation. Personal information must be:

8.0 Principles Rights of Individuals

Data Protection law also provides the following rights for individuals:

Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling ATMS EMCS Ltd. has implementedprocesses and procedures to enable compliance with the rights of individuals. If you receive a requestfrom an individual, you should contact the Directors who will be able to advise you of yourresponsibilities in complying with these rights.

9.0 Roles and Responsibilities

The Directors are ultimately accountable for ensuring that ATMS EMCS Ltd. meets its legal obligationsunder data protection legislation, and it is the responsibility of its members to:

It is the responsibility of the Group General Counsel to:

It is the responsibility of the Directors to:

It is the responsibility of the Directors to implement the Data Protection Strategy and Data ProtectionCompliance Plan, including:

Each high-risk business area (as defined on the completion of a data protection risk assessment) mustappoint a Data Protection lead.

It is the responsibility of the Data Protection Leads to:

It is the responsibility of Line Managers to:

It is the responsibility of everyone working for, or on behalf of Company to:

10.0 Approach

We ensure that all processing of personal data performed by us, or our third-party providers, has alawful basis, and will always balance our interests against the interests, rights, and freedoms of theindividuals. We operate a risk-based approach to the protection of personal data, ensuring thatprocessing is designed with appropriate technical and organisational measures, such that we areeffectively safeguarding personal data and the rights of data subjects.

We ensure that processes are in place to deal with the individual data subject rights under the GDPR,and that all staff are aware of these processes and are able to respond to data subject requestsefficiently and effectively. We are able to evidence compliance, demonstrating that our use ofpersonal data is lawful, is limited to the purpose for which it was originally collected, is relevant andnecessary, is complete and up-to-date, is retained for only as long as is necessary, and is adequatelysecure.

11.0 Policy Breach

In the event you become aware this policy has been, or may have been breached, please contact theHR Director immediately.

Failure to comply with this policy may constitute a breach of terms and conditions of employment orcontract and can lead to legal or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or termination ofcontract.

If a criminal offence has been committed, further action may be taken to assist in the prosecution ofthe offender(s).

12.0 Transfer of Personal Information to Third Parties

Where transfers of personal information are to a third parties takes place, this must only take placewhere certain conditions are complied with. In this instance employees should seek confirmation ofthe adequate safeguards the supplier can provide.

This might include, but is not limited to:

13.0 Policy Review and Revision

This policy has been approved by the ATMC EMCS Ltd. Directors and will be reviewed on an annualbasis.

14.0 Complaints

If you are dissatisfied with the way your personal information is handled within ATMS EMCS thefirst instance you should discuss this with your Line Manager or the Directors.

Any investigations which take place as a result of a complaint will be handled by the relevant LineManager or Director in consultation with the ATMS EMCS Ltd. legal team.

You can download a full copy of our Privacy Policy here.

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